Oh no

Noah tested positive for covid today. He just tested negative two days ago, but because of an outbreak among residents that he technically could have been in contact with, they tested everyone repeatedly. And the most recent test came back positive. But in the last week, he had pretty limited exposure overall compared to before. But you never know…

This test has a high sensitivity rate though? And we’ve been asymptomatic?

But I mean like, my throat always feels dry and swollen for periods in the winter, especially if I don’t sleep well. Is it our allergies, or are these symptoms? Does it feel difficult to breathe because of our anxiety, or is this the start?

Noah got called in to cover covid ICU last night, and I jokingly said, “well let’s hope you get a false positive so you can stay home harharharhar”

But this is no vacation. I can’t stop reminding myself of every scary thing I’ve read in the last 10 months, and how it feel if any of those were us.

I need to get out of my head.

And I don’t even know about Thanksgiving anymore. I just ordered all the groceries, but it’s up to the others if they are comfortable taking food from us or not, and also if we start showing symptoms. Why do I ever look forward to or plan anything, especially this year. I hope, I pray even though I don’t know how, that things turn out okay, one way or another.


Bouchon’s Potato and Leek Soup


Taking on Thanksgiving