The first post is always the hardest

Phew. First post self doubts.

I always have the entire blog set up, only to never write the first post for weeks. It feels like whatever I have to say and want to record is never “good enough” for the inaugural entry, and if it’s not worth being first then why write any of it at all and I should just delete the whole thing right now itwasastupidideaanyway….

At that rate, the pandemic will subside before I get this thing off the ground. So let’s just go for it.

What should the first post be? Reiterating the importance of staying inside? At this point, if people still don’t have the awareness/attachment to reality/sense of social responsibility to take this seriously, then I can’t help any more. I can only hope that those people come to their senses eventually, before it’s too late for them or too many people they love.

To friends who checked in, even after not being in touch for a while, thank you for thinking of me and my family. We’re safe for now, trying to make the most of these days now that we’ve cancelled our trip to Asia. We stocked up on some food and essentials just before panic buying hit St. Louis - if anyone needs anything they can’t find in stores, we’re happy to share.

As soon as the news announced Missouri’s first case in St. Louis, work slowed to a crawl. The few hours we do work, there isn’t really projects to work on, so I’ve been trying to use up some product from cancellations and make random things, and we’re teaching each other skills we’ve always been too busy to learn.

My goal is to stay relatively productive the rest of these weeks at home.

Self-quarantine vacation 2020:

  1. Deep clean and declutter the entire house, esp kitchen and bathrooms

  2. Detail my car

  3. Start blog

  4. Exercise and lose my “Japan training weight” <insert cry emoji>

  5. Cook fun things (and document them here)

  6. Finish my Stardew farm

  7. Pick up old hobbies/learn new skills

    • Play the flute???

    • Origami

    • teach Rosie 3 cool tricks

    • finish painting one miniature

    • ???

Let’s hope I don’t devolve into 90% stardew + youtube too quickly.


We're leaving St. Louis!!