My in-law’s fridge broke

We came into a lot of food suddenly. Our freezer is so full, I no longer have access to our ice maker, and the rest are in the fridge for me to figure out in the next few days. Originally, we thought we were just taking some valuable stuff to make them feel better about not wasting all their food. But we ended up taking what seems like their entire fridge and freezer.

So far, I’ve made from their food:

  • A cherry pie, with frozen cherries

  • Chicken stock with a bag of chicken necks/wings

  • Poached chicken in said chicken stock for chicken rice; then made more chicken rice for dinner, this time with better rice

  • A tomato tart with the other half of the pie dough + frozen corn + goat cheese and parm

I plan on making:

  • A sourdough foccacia with more goat cheese in it somehow

  • Kao mok gai with the many yogurts we now have

  • buttermilk cake (with some sort of fruit I will buy) because we have a ton of buttermilk now… or buttermilk pie, maybe??? I’m super into pies right now

  • Rosie’s birthday cake later in the month, with the 6 frozen turkey patties we now have in the freezer

Have to figure out how to use soon:

  • Frozen costco chicken tenders (So I can have my ice maker back)

  • Frozen costco cod fillets (same)

  • half gallon almond milk - My idea so far is almond milk tea panna cotta w/ brown sugar boba topping.

  • Chicken stock, from above, 2.5 quarts. Maybe some soup, maybe I’ll fortify it with some gelatin and make some chicken xiao long bao or something, I don’t know.

  • 2 dozen eggs, because I just bought 5 dozen eggs. Now we have 7dz minus 5 eggs. Maybe it’s time to make ice cream! But then I’d have to use the whites somehow…

  • Quiche? Crustless quiche? Won’t use up enough eggs, but would help us run through our milk… A frittata maybe?

  • Even more goat cheese

  • Almond milk based cream cheese spreads

  • More goat cheese and yogurt - bravetart cheesecake, maybe?? I do have that pan….!

I forgot what else we even have stocked up. This will be a running tally of ideas for now. This will be a pretty fun challenge!


Sourdough Foccacia


A Rosie update