This was a pandemic blog, after all

Unbelievable that I haven’t posted in six months! Fell right off that cliff after a solid two-year streak. It was the longest blogging streak I’ve ever had. I’m pretty impressed with myself :) It was nice while it lasted!

One reason for the decline was just that I was just making interesting food a lot less. We adopted a pretty strict calorie-counting diet for the first half of 2022. And I did pretty well sticking to it all the way up to our May vacation to Hawaii. Most of my mental energy for food was spent on planning and cooking meals that would allow us to stick to our diet. There wasn’t a lot of effort or time or motivation left after that to devote to delicious, interesting, but caloric foods.

Otherwise, life just got in the way, I guess! The past six months was a bit of a whirlwind. In March, right around the time of my last blog post, I started a new role at work. My schedule was in a weird limbo for a couple of months, and once I stop something, it’s hard to stop back up again even after I got back into the swing of things.

May was particularly chaotic. We were trying to pack up our entire apartment before leaving for Hawaii so that we could move almost immediately after coming back. We also had a wedding to attend that same week, where pretty much everyone got covid lol… The first weeks in our lovely apartment were spent in a foggy haze, trying to just stash things wherever they’d fit so we could return our rented plastic bins on time. Even now, every cabinet and closet need major reorganization and I still can’t find most things, five months later. I have a feeling they’ll stay that way for the rest our time in this apartment…

Rough start to the summer, but the rest of it was very nice! Covid was pretty brutal, but at least it was liberating. At least we were able to regain some normalcy and make decisions without having to consider covid at the forefront.

This summer was also the first time in years, almost the entirety of our relationship, that Noah and I both had weekends off. It was nice to be able to see friends, take trips to the beach, eat indoors, visit family, and actually be able to spend time together. All that time spent doing things meant less time cooking at home...

I do miss baking. I just never have the motivation/energy/inspiration/time to do it. Plus my kitchen cabinets are still a mess and I can’t find any equipment. Excuses, excuses, I know.

Maybe I’ll do some retroactive vacation/cooking blogging. But realistically I more than likely won’t ever get to it - empty promises in the form of “post about ___ to come!” at the end of a “return to blogging” posts are kind of my MO. I always have every intention of following through, but many times it never happens.

We just got back from two weeks in Europe. For Golden Demon UK 2022 - but I also got to see London and Paris for the first time! And we came back with the sniffles and found out people caught covid at GDUK2022. My parents also got covid this week (unrelated to ours). It’s getting cold again, there’s a whole new covid variant, cases are increasing… and I’m starting to debate whether to do holiday cookies again this year.

All signs point to time to hunker down at home, bake a bunch, and spin up the blog again… We’ll see!


Braised Beef Shank aka Osso Bucco


Two Months of Fitness