Ramen Salteñas

Not exactly a recipe.

If you know me by now you’ve realized I am obsessed with salteñas. I love soup dumplings, and I love even more the idea of a giant empanada masquerading as one. So it was the only natural that I turned soup-related leftovers into a salteña.

Yes, this is ramen fixin’s and soup base from my last post, adapted into salteña form.

Modifications to my original recipe (besides scaling it down):

  1. Gelatinized instant soup base - added powdered gelatin at a general ratio of 5tsp per liter of liquid (a little stronger than a jiggly panna cotta). For the broth, I used an extra miso flavor packet from the ramen box and diluted chashu braising liquid.

  2. No annatto seeds in the dough - but did add 2 sheets of blended nori and random oil packet I found.

  3. Filling aromatics: for a more Asian flavor base I went with the classic garlic, ginger, scallion whites

  4. Filling toppings: Leftover buttered corn, menma, diced chashu, edamame, green part of scallions, potatoes. If I had any ramen eggs left I would have added for sure.

The entire process follows the original recipe. 1L of soup + toppings and 1/3x batch of dough worked out almost exactly to 11 salteñas.

Basically goes to show, you can make anything a saltena! So go turn all your leftovers into a giant empanada soup dumplings.


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