Rosie is sick :(

She hasn’t felt well in a couple of days… On Friday she was just lying there in the morning, looking really sluggish and lifeless and didn’t want to be called. She couldn’t be lured by treats or breakfast but did end up eating after her walk. Since she looked uncomfortable all day and a little stiff on her back, we gave her a doggie painkiller from last time when she hurt her back, and it seemed to work. The next day, she was perfectly fine. But in the middle of the night last night, she woke us up at 5AM just sitting by the bed licking with her ears tucked, and was trembling a little bit. Noah took her out on a walk, and she did a pee & poop, was a little reluctant to go back to bed but she eventually lied down. This morning, it’s back to the same sluggishness. It doesn’t look like she’s having a lot of pain walking? Maybe a little? But her other doggy ibuprofen this afternoon doesn’t seem to be working very well. She was sort of lying there with her eyes half open staring off into space, when she normally would be sleeping.

What’s wrong with my baby :(((((((

She has a vaccine appointment in about 3 days, and the ER is still open, so we’re going to monitor her closely. I had some cooking plans today to finish off the last of the whole tenderloin, but I’m pretty much paralyzed by fear today.

I hope she is ok.


Four days, six meals of tenderloin


I feel really scared today