This is now a pantry challenge blog

We started to pack. 3 boxes so far!

It’s already very clear that I need soooo many more boxes than originally anticipated. Because 3 boxes fit practically nothing.

I’m actually thinking of packing up all our cookbooks early, since it’s nearly impossible to cook out of it without going shopping. By the end of the week, it feels like we’re missing so many things. Right now, I’m sort of trying to use up as much of the pantry as we can.

We plan on taking all the dried goods and non-perishables that we can, and some things from the fridge if they fit in our cooler, but the less we have, the easier it will be to pack.

It forces me to be more flexible and crafty with everything I already have. If I need something, I have to plan our weekly vegetable shopping better. There are a lot of possibilities, but when I’m hungry I just want to eat without having to work so hard for it… and I’m out of ramen :(


I packed my pantry up (And a pesto recipe)


Four days, six meals of tenderloin