I packed my pantry up (And a pesto recipe)

What’s left is mostly things I’ll throw away if I don’t eat by the end of our stay here, or the absolute essentials.

There’s still so much to do, it’s a bit overwhelming. Not just packing, but cleaning too. And the stress of the drive and the move itself. And then our new life in Chicago in this strange strange time we live in. Ahhhgh.

I probably cook more than I should, but we bought some veggies from the produce purveyor again, so at least it’s relatively healthy stuff. I don’t really foresee us going grocery shopping again until we leave here, just trying to use up what we have in as many ways as it takes to not get sick of the same few foods.

I’ve been making whatever comes to mind, really. The basil I bought reminded me to eat thai curry, and also make some pesto for the ricotta gnocchi I’ve been meaning to make to use up my ricotta. I never spend much time making lunch, it’s usually a quick whatever thing and dinner is the big project, but this was really light and lunchy and still pretty satisfying.

Pesto recipe:

  • 1 cup arugula

  • 1 cup basil

  • supplement with some green onion greens or parsley

  • juice of 1-2 lemons

  • 1/2 cup pecorino romano

  • 2 oz walnuts, toasted and crushed

  • salt

  • 1/2 cup EVOO

Blend everything but the oil with a powerful immersion blender, and then stir in EVOO by hand. (Blending EVOO will make it bitter.) Pestos are arguably better in a mortar and pestle, but I’m lazy.

Ricotta gnocchis are super light and delicate, so I didn’t want to sear them. I just gently boiled them until they floated, then reheated them quickly in the same warm water. To serve, toss everything together gently.


We moved!


This is now a pantry challenge blog