Valrhona Dulcey Rice Krispies

Not losing this recipe again! I don’t know how the picture of my old coworker’s recipe card keeps disappearing into digital vapors, but I’ve made it four times and have had to ask for the recipe four times. So here I am, making this entry for prosperity, and completely assuming this blog (and the internet in general) will be forever.

These are truly the most low-effort, high-reward nostalgic snacks ever, taken to the next level with the addition of one simple and obvious ingredient… chocolate! The original recipe calls for milk or regular white chocolate, but the first time I made it, I only had Valrhona Dulcey on handʷᵉᶦʳᵈᶠˡᵉˣᵇᵘᵗᵒᵏ and I have only ever made it this way since. The roasting gives the chocolate this caramelly buttery toasty quality, like a deeper dulce de leche. It’s in that kind of family, but not as milky or cloying in its sweetness.

I’m sure it’d be good with any type of chocolate, but Dulcey is definitely worth seeking out. It’s great for all sorts of applications.

Thanks p’[redacted] for sharing this recipe with me. The only thing I changed were the additions of salt.

Chocolate Rice Krispies (Valrhona Dulcey Recommended)

  1. Melt together in a pan over low heat, stirring constantly:

    • 12 oz unsalted butter

    • 10 oz milk or white chocolate

    • 2 lbs marshmallows

    • pinch salt

  2. Once melted completely, pour into a large bowl, and immediately mix with:

    • 1 lb rice krispies

    • This is is best done with lightly oiled hands (but be careful of temperature!) or a very sturdy wooden spoon

  3. Quickly transfer to a greased 8”x8” container and press together to desired density - as light or as packed as you want!

    • Optional: A very light sprinkle of Maldon on top.

  4. Enjoy ASAP. Truly a revelation barely set. Very good the next day.

Just one note: This recipe has a pretty absurdly high ratio of ‘mallow and fat vs the rice krispies, though it is completely forgiving. Don’t even follow the recipe if you don’t feel like it. But if you do stick to these quantities, you are in for a supremely chewy and satisfying texture!


Lemon Chicken Pasta Salad


Happy Anniversary to Tiancakes 2.0