Handcut Pasta with Goat Cheese Cream Sauce and Marinated Tomatoes

Noah taught a pasta class via zoom a couple of weeks ago. We tried to choose a vegetarian recipe that doesn’t require a lot of tools, has cheap ingredients, is simple enough but also teaches others something worthwhile.

So… pasta by hand it is.

This is Thomas Keller’s dough from The French Laundry, and the instructions really set you up for success, if you follow all the details. I barely added anything in the transcription, mostly just took away. There’s quite a bit of kneading, but no pain no gain, so.

And the accompanying recipe is a quick and simple cream sauce, with the tang of goat cheese to cut the richness. It goes with the simplest cherry tomato topping, which is very necessary to brighten the dish.

For efficiency: Make the dough. While dough is resting, that should give you plenty of time to make the tomato mixture and prepare the sauce. Once the sauce is ready, take it off heat. When the dough is rested, boil some water while you roll out the dough. While pasta is boiling (only takes a couple of minutes), begin reheating your sauce. Assemble.

(I wish I had pictures… maybe if we make it again…) Edit: Added some photos Aug 2021


8 oz all purpose flour (1 3/4 cups)

6 large egg yolks

1 large egg

1.5 tsp olive oil

3 Tbsp milk

  1. Mound the flour on a flat surface and create a well large enough for all the wet ingredients. Push the sides of the mound up so the well is pretty deep.

  2. Pour the yolks, egg, oil, and milk into the well.

  3. Using your fingers, turn the eggs in a circular motion. 

    • The circular motion of the eggs is enough to gradually drag in flour from the sides. Try not to touch the flour with your fingers, and try not to break the well.

  4. Slowly incorporate the flour using the circular motion of the eggs alone, and occasionally push the flour toward the mound so the walls stay intact.

  5. When the dough is thick enough and starts to lift itself from the board, fold the rest of the flour from the mound into the dough with a pastry scraper or a spatula.

    • Once all the flour has been incorporated, the dough will look shaggy.

  6. Form the dough into a ball. It should look flaky but hold together.

  7. Knead the dough until it feels moist but is no longer sticky.

  8. Cover and rest dough for a few minutes - clean up time!

  9. Continue kneading until the dough should be silky smooth and springy, about 10-15 minutes. It’s impossible to overknead this dough, and it must pass the pull test.

  10. Tightly wrap and rest at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour or overnight in the fridge.

  11. Once rested, roll the dough out as desired. The noodles will expand slightly upon cooking, so roll slightly thinner than desired eating thickness.  Alternatively, roll until almost translucent for filled pasta.

  12. Dust sheet of pasta generously with flour, and fold it widthwise several times. Cut to desired width with a knife. Immediately toss with more flour and cover.

Marinated Tomato Topping

  1. Combine all ingredients and allow to marinate while preparing the rest of the dish.

    • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved (4 oz)

    • 1 shallot, minced finely

    • 1 Tbsp vinegar (balsamic and red, or some combination)

    • 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

    • 1 Tbsp parsley, chopped

    • Salt & pepper to taste

Goat Cheese Cream Sauce 

  1. In a small saucepot over medium heat, bring to a boil:

    • 1/4 cup milk

    • 1/4 cup cream

    • 1/2 cup stock or liquid

  2. Whisk in until incorporated (a few seconds, mixture should thicken):

    1. 1 cup soft goat cheese

  3. Add:

    • 1 tsp thyme, chopped finely

    • 1 tsp rosemary, chopped finely

  4. Allow to stand off heat if pasta is not yet ready. When pasta is about ready, reheat the sauce.

  5. Toss with cooked fresh pasta transferred directly from the cooking liquid (do not rinse). Add some pasta water to loosen if necessary.

  6. Off heat, fold in grated parm and torn basil.

  7. To serve, top with more basil and parm, a generous dollop of the marinated tomato mixture, and some extra tomato liquid.


"Fry-Roast Chicken"


Projects I flaked on and my shitty flimsy excuses