Sourdough Everything Monkey Bread

This sourdough monkey bread I made was pretty good. The recipe is from Instagram, I kept seeing a bunch of “sandwich bread” recipes on a day when I was trying to maybe make sourdough babka, but I got lazy and ended up just making this dough. It is very simple, very easy to handle, and turned out very soft and nice.

I had just impulse bought everything bagel seasoning from Costco to put on avocado toast or something, but since I have way too much of it, I sprinkled some on before baking and it was very good. Next time, I’d definitely add a bunch to the dough itself during one of the folds. And I think I might actually make this one again, since it was pretty low maintenance for a good result.

This is actually making me realize that I have a Costco sized bag of peak ripeness avocados that I have to use in like 3 seconds or they’ll be rotten. That’ll be the next post, I guess.

Sourdough Sandwich Bread

You can obviously make whatever soft fluffy style bread shapes with this. I made a monkey bread and a mini loaf. I turned most of the mini loaf into croutons, and they were very light and crispy croutons, and wasn’t too painfully crunchy to eat.

  1. Measure into the mixing bowl of a stand mixer (I prefer to do wets first):

    • 190g water

    • 8g fine salt

    • 25g okinawa brown sugar

    • 12g milk powder

    • 187g AP flour

    • 100g whole wheat flour

    • 25g rye flour

    • 75g levain

  2. Mix on med-low speed for about 5 minutes, then thoroughly mix in:

    • 35g butter, softened

  3. Bulk ferment for 8 hours at a cool room temperature, or until about doubled.

    • Whenever convenient during this period, give it 1-2 turns.

  4. Retard overnight.

  5. The next day, let it sit at room temp a little so it’s easier to shape.

  6. Shape into a loaf, or divide into little balls and roll into mini boules for monkey bread. Or shape individual rolls and make pull apart dinner rolls.

    • There are a million and one ways to shape everything, and it’s easier to just watch youtube videos of this.

  7. Proof for about 5 hours in a warm-ish place, or until very soft and volumous.

  8. Score (optional). Brush with egg wash and sprinkle everything bagel seasoning and a generous pinch of maldon (also optional).

  9. Bake at 400F until dark and shiny. (Can tent with foil if it gets too dark before the bread is baked). For a mini-monkey bread, this was about 20minutes.


  • Even fewer pictures than usual, because I wasn’t really planning on blogging about this. But I’m pleasantly surprised by the low effort and high reward, so I decided to document it.

  • The dough was very easy to work with in cooler temperatures. It was very cold last week, so I ended up proofing it in my over-the-stove microwave, with the stove lights and microwave lights on (door to microwave just barely not closed), and it was the perfect little warm box.

  • The final proof doubles to triples in volume, so make sure to place the dough balls with plenty of space in between. I wish I had concrete numbers, but I just went by eye.


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